My name is Zhe. I am a quant developer at a systematic hedge fund.
This is the place I put my thoughts and tests, which could be my thoughs on market, coding, trading and other stuff that I am working on.
I am a Christian for $n$ years. Here is my church family: And I am heavily envolved in the Chinese group in the church: 福音之家. Hence I also share my though on Bible and Christian faith. You find them by using the search function to search Bible/Christian/faith.
我是一个基督徒,这是我的教会:。不过,福音之家是我主要参与服侍的小组。它是St-Helens的一个下属部门。所以,我也会时常在这里分享我对圣经、福音以及基督信仰的想法。你可通过本站的搜索功能找到相关的文章,或者去Tag里面找到Bible : ) 福音之家的网站上包括了教会几乎全部的普通话讲道的音频在这里。
Here are something I developed:
- Python Cellular Automata lib
- pygraph: a library to interact with graphs in python
- The code of this website
- pysound: some tool I used to play sounds
- 缠论的Python
- 知乎热榜爬虫
- React-Redux-Saga-*?晕了?一篇文章弄懂的实战指南!
- A curated list of insanely awesome libraries, packages and resources for systematic trading. Crypto, Stock, Futures, Options, CFDs, FX, and more | 量化交易 | 量化投资
Here are some projects that I contributed to:
Solution for some books:
- CS3110 lab solutions
- The C Pragramming Language
- 数据结构与算法分析C++实现(第五版
- Primer C++ Plues second
- Pratical Common lisp code
Tool I used to create this website:
- Github, to host it
- hexo-theme-next, to make it looks better
-, to create content using markdown
- Python, to do other stuff..
Something I used to do and still proud of: